
Welcome to my blog! I’m Catherine and here you will find all things “complEATly” me – life, school, wellness, adventures, and most importantly, food.

I grew up on a farm in Missouri and came to appreciate the simplicity of small town life. I blame living in a town without any stoplights for my fear of driving in big cities! After graduating from high school, I headed off to Manhattan, Kansas, to attend Kansas State University (and yes, I was afraid to drive for the first several months because of all the stoplights!).

Here I discovered my passion for wellness by combining nutrition and exercise. Throughout college, I worked as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant which allowed me to merge these interests. I also became completely obsessed with anything purple which is consequently my favorite color. I graduated in May 2010 with degrees in nutrition, kinesiology, and dietetics and headed off for my next adventure – the dietetic internship.

I completed my dietetic internship and 1200+ hours of supervised practice experience at The Pennsylvania State University and became a Registered Dietitian (RD) in August 2011. During the internship I completed clinical, community, management, and research rotations. Our internship program also had a self-designed enrichment rotation which I spent at the International Food Information Council Foundation (IFIC) in Washington, DC. My favorite rotations were those in which I was able to translate research to practical application.

These days this Midwest girl is still transplanted on the East Coast. I keep busy as a PhD student and I’m learning to achieve balance between school and the rest of my life. You’ll often find me wearing purple (because it looks good on everyone), cheering on the Cats (#EMAW), adventuring, or experimenting in the kitchen.



Can’t get enough of me? Follow me on Twitter or Pinterest.

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  1. Pingback: New Beginnings | ComplEATly Catherine

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